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Prayer Request From Pastor K

We have received a letter from Pastor K with some vital updates and prayer requests.   Please read through the letter and keep Pastor K, his ministry area, fellow pastors and family in your prayers.  Identifying information has been removed for the safety of all involved.  

If you want to send an encouraging note, written prayer or scripture - I know he would be blessed by it.
We want to praise God that we are safe and secure here in the days of persecution, recently past week in our ministry areas: ------------------, ---------------, ---------------, ---------------, ------------- and -----------------------  a church property was burnt down and a pastor was beaten at home. We receive a persecution story from ------------------------ nearly every day.  

We Christians are facing persecution in the name of Jesus, we praise God for that, as written in Matthew 5:11-12 we rejoice in His Name.  Sharing gospel become a challenge for us here in ---------------------------. In our Child Development Centre,  a few parents have stop sending their children to in CDC center. But i believe and trust that God has His own plans. God is working through persecutions as many people are receiving news in their television and hearing the stories of Jesus Christ. Gospel is reaching in new areas, despite persecution, in ----------------,---------------------,----------------- and --------------------.

This month we as a small fellowship have planned to teach & train 10 evangelist to make Christlike disciples by the end of December 2022 in {these places}*. For which we are looking a platform where we can have a suitable discipleship training for them. As we have a rented place here in --------------------------, here we are having our fellowship and running CDC center. But yearly the rent & taxes increases 10%. Since 2015 raising fund became a big challenge. As we have poor labour members in our fellowship where we raise 60%- 70% rent from the fellowship and other supports. Rest remaining 30% - 40% we struggle to raise and pay on time. We are planning to buy a land near by the ----------------------, as this property will give us freedom of worshiping God training and build each year 20 evangelist to send unreached villages in {these places}*.   So, the people receive gospel and local Christians get no persecutions. Thus far God has kept us safe, for which we praise God.
  • I would like to ask your prayer support for building 20 evangelists in a year and  train and send 10 evangelist by the end of December 2022. 
  • Pray for the rent & taxes for the rented house and fellowship, till we get our own land & build our own property. 
  • I would ask you to have special prayer for our Christian people who are facing persecution in our ministry area. You can pray for Pastor from -----------------, ----------------, and specially pastors from ---------------------. 
  • Pray for my daughter ----------------- she is growing in knowledge of the Lord. She helps me in singing songs, leading worship in our Sunday fellowship and house fellowship, keep praying for her education she is writing her first semester exams.  

Thanks for your help and support in building His kingdom.  
Pastor K
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1 Comment

Nancy mcdonald - September 8th, 2022 at 7:10pm

Praying god’s mercy and grace over you , family and current events .,protection and supernatural power to accomplish your mission and plans . May god go before you .