KetchikanNaz is working on a partnership with a local church and pastor in the India Field Region for the Church of the Nazarene. Currently we are working with with the leadership on the ground in India to find churches that would be a good match with us.
Our intent is to help resource the church in India to continue to do their faithful work in the Gospel. We are looking forward to building solid relationships with this church and it's members over the coming years!
KetchikanNaz is working on a partnership with a local church and pastor in the India Field Region for the Church of the Nazarene. Currently we are working with with the leadership on the ground in India to find churches that would be a good match with us.
Our intent is to help resource the church in India to continue to do their faithful work in the Gospel. We are looking forward to building solid relationships with this church and it's members over the coming years!
As we have updates on the process, and how we can support our brothers and sisters across the globe, we will keep you in the loop! In the meantime keep India and its COVID crisis in your prayers, keep the church in India in your prayers as they face persecution.
Use the form to send an encouraging prayer or Scripture to India.
Use the form to send an encouraging prayer or Scripture to India.
Prayer Request From Pastor K
September 8th, 2022
We have received a letter from Pastor K with some vital updates and prayer requests. Please read through the letter and keep Pastor K, his ministry area, fellow pastors and family in your prayers. Identifying information has been removed for the safety of all involved.
If you want to send an encouraging note, written prayer or scripture - I know he would be blessed by it....
Letter From Pastor K
August 2nd, 2022
Below is the letter we received from Pastor K! I hope it encourages you as you read, and I pray it spurs you on to pray for Pastor K, the ministries he leads, India, and his family! As a reminder - identifying information is redacted (names, and places) to protect the well-being of his family! The full letter, with images, is available in person if you would like to see it....
Update from Pastor K
December 13th, 2021
Our church ministry is growing day by day, we are able to reach many families. Last month a new family accepted Christ as their personal Savior. They are growing in the lord now. Keep praying for this family as they have started house fellowship in their home....
Prayer Request From Pastor K
November 16th, 2021
I praise God for it. Keep on praying for me as started working on field again almost after a month, pray that God give me strength and power to build His kingdom as I was doing before....
Letter From Pastor K
July 22nd, 2021
Pastor K has a clear vision: In the year of 2021- 2022 we as Nazarene fellowship want to build 20 young leaders in the knowledge of the lord, filled them with gospel and send them unreached areas of surrounding areas of (Location). and specially want to build them in the Christ like disciples, this is my intention with the lord’s ministry. To build His kingdom and to see His people contributing...
Missionaries In India
June 17th, 2021
It just so happens, as it often does when God is at work, that.......
A Story from India
June 15th, 2021
If you haven't yet...head over to the previous blog (linked below) and read through the church/pastor options and let us know what you are thinking! I can't wait to begin doing work alongside our brothers and sisters in India!......
Partnering With India - PT 3
June 11th, 2021
It's time to select a parter church/community! We are hoping to gain some insight from you all, since this is not just a project of the church board, but of the entire church. This means, members, attenders and anyone else in our extended KTNNAZ family can share their thoughts and help us make a choice. We are eager to begin getting to know a pastor and church, and to help enable the ministry ...
Partnering With India - PT 2
May 28th, 2021
We are so grateful to the Lord for answering our and your prayers for the severe Cyclone that is passed over the eastern part of India where we have many churches. Some damage is done to houses and some roads are washed off in the area of West Bengal where there is low land area and water from sea and river come to the farming lands as well as entered the villages. But as feared it did not hit har...
Partnering With India
May 4th, 2021
I look forward to the day when we can Zoom with our sister church and pastor during a church service. When we can send greetings from our families to theirs. When we mutually lift one another up in prayer for needs and praise!...