Partnering With India

On Sunday, we prayed for the COVID-19 crisis in the world - specifically for the country of India. I shared a statistic gleaned from the news that said ‘600 cremations are performed daily’. However, today I learned the truth behind that statistic. I spoke with Rev. Sunil Dandge (India Field Strategy Coordinator, Church of the Nazarene) via Zoom and I asked him how bad it really was from his perspective. He shared that there are over 3000 deaths a day now and, with cases climbing, the death toll is expected to climb. The sorrow in his face and the weariness in his voice were tangible. Listen to him speak below and let your heart be moved.
The reason I shared this Sunday, and again today, is to stir your hearts toward compassion and action - to think beyond your own worldview and become doers of the Word. I had inquired of our denominational leadership a week or two ago about how best to help our brothers and sisters in India. The church in India is working hard and doing so much good in their respective communities. They are already doing the good works of faith and yet the burden is huge - and perhaps we can help them lighten the load in some way, and resource them in the good works they are doing!
Since our church is a global church - connected in Christ’s mission and vision - my request was quickly routed from the Global Ministry Center in Kansas to Rev. Sunil in India. We shared our hearts, prayed together, and I expressed our desire to partner with a church and pastor in India during this season and beyond. In essence - to build a sister church relationship with a church halfway across the globe. Rev. Sunil will be sending me some information on churches and pastors and the towns/areas they minister in.
Here is where you can participate: will you pray even now for the churches and people of India? When we receive the list of names, will you pray God leads us to one church that we can partner with for the long term?
I look forward to the day when we can Zoom with our sister church and pastor during a church service. When we can send greetings from our families to theirs. When we mutually lift one another up in prayer for needs and praise!
To stir your heart further please take some time to look through these resources. India is not only struggling with Covid but also is on the top 10 list for countries where living as a Christian is dangerous. Reading it all can be overwhelming, and cause us to overlook things to protect our own feelings. So read one article a day and pray in the ways God leads you.
Since our church is a global church - connected in Christ’s mission and vision - my request was quickly routed from the Global Ministry Center in Kansas to Rev. Sunil in India. We shared our hearts, prayed together, and I expressed our desire to partner with a church and pastor in India during this season and beyond. In essence - to build a sister church relationship with a church halfway across the globe. Rev. Sunil will be sending me some information on churches and pastors and the towns/areas they minister in.
Here is where you can participate: will you pray even now for the churches and people of India? When we receive the list of names, will you pray God leads us to one church that we can partner with for the long term?
I look forward to the day when we can Zoom with our sister church and pastor during a church service. When we can send greetings from our families to theirs. When we mutually lift one another up in prayer for needs and praise!
To stir your heart further please take some time to look through these resources. India is not only struggling with Covid but also is on the top 10 list for countries where living as a Christian is dangerous. Reading it all can be overwhelming, and cause us to overlook things to protect our own feelings. So read one article a day and pray in the ways God leads you.
Posted in Church life, Covid, India, Serve
Posted in missions, prayer, nazarene, global, india, partnership
Posted in missions, prayer, nazarene, global, india, partnership
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