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Partnering With India - PT 3

It's time to select a parter church/community!   We are hoping to gain some insight from you all, since this is not just a project of the church board, but of the entire church.  This means, members, attenders and anyone else in our extended KTNNAZ family can share their thoughts and help us make a choice.  We are eager to begin getting to know a pastor and church, and to help enable the ministry they are doing during this season of COVID and beyond.

Take a moment and prayerfully review the options below and then respond below.  The church board will be meeting later this month and we will take all your prayerful comments into the discussion!
Pastor/Church #1:  Coordinating the work in Kerala state. We have churches in rural as well as in towns , its new work a pioneering district , partnership will be very encouraging to the pastors and churches, you can choose one church or the whole new areas of the ministry.

Pastor/Church #2:  He is taking charge of  Southeast  India District, this is mostly rural and tribal community churches and few urban congregations. Covering two states Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.

Pastor/Church #3: Pastor of two small church plants among  immigrant labourer community, also has a Child Development Centre supported by the NCM among that  community.    

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