Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Lent is the 6-week season in the life of the Church that leads up to Easter. It is a time of reflection on one’s faith, a period for repentance, and humility. Often Lent is seen as the time to ‘give up’ something - like media, sweets, or coffee. The intentional denial of something your body longs for is a good way to help you remember the longing you soul should have for closeness to Christ. This is called fasting, and it is a wonderful spiritual discipline.
I hope that in this season of Lent - the season of preparation for Easter - you find a way to engage your soul with the Lord who loves you so dearly. This may mean giving something up, or it may mean taking something up. You may deny yourself something you love, and in it's place let that desire remind you to pray. You may choose to be more intentional about loving your neighbor.
However you worship through Lent, may you know this -
The Lord loves you with a never-ending love. His compassion is overwhelming and is not limited by the ways the we 'think' the Lord should act. His ways are not ours - they are far superior! Rejoice in that love this Lent season.
I hope that in this season of Lent - the season of preparation for Easter - you find a way to engage your soul with the Lord who loves you so dearly. This may mean giving something up, or it may mean taking something up. You may deny yourself something you love, and in it's place let that desire remind you to pray. You may choose to be more intentional about loving your neighbor.
However you worship through Lent, may you know this -
The Lord loves you with a never-ending love. His compassion is overwhelming and is not limited by the ways the we 'think' the Lord should act. His ways are not ours - they are far superior! Rejoice in that love this Lent season.
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